OPES at the 8th AQABA Conference 2022
كان من دواعي سرورنا المشاركة في مؤتمر العقبة الثامن 2022، حيث كانت الشركة ممثلة بحضور نائب الرئيس السيدة سلام موسى.
نشكر الاتحاد الأردني لشركات التأمين واللجنة التنظيمية للمؤتمرعلى كل الجهود المبذولة لجعل هذا المؤتمر ناجحاً وملتقى لصناع التأمين في العالم.
Opes was delighted to have participated in the 8th Aqaba Conference 2022 and been represented by its Vice President, Mrs. Salam Moussa.
We would like to thank the Jordan Insurance Federation (JIF) and the conference organizing committee for all the efforts to make this conference a very successful one.
On May 15, 2022, the International Aqaba Conference Ceremony held its 8th event at the Intercontinental Hotel, Aqaba, Jordan.
This Conference was sponsored by top notch companies including insurance companies, and was attended by almost 550 participants.
The conference discussed key topics affecting the insurance industry.
- Non-damage business interruption cover: How Insurers/Reinsurers are dealing with Pandemics/Epidemics?
- Strategies of digital transformation in the insurance sector (challenges & opportunities).